Твоят пътеводител за бизнес, услуги и събития в Русе!
Всеки обект е представен с внимание и грижа, благодарение на нашите партньори, които избраха да покажат своя бизнес в Русе Портал!
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Create a post
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How to advertise your venue
Instructional steps to take to post on our website
Register or open an account
Click on the guest icon in the website's header to begin creating your account. Use an email address that you have access to.
Choose a subscription plan
You can opt for a free account which restricts the number of venues you can post or opt for a paid plan that gives you more options.
Create your Venue Post
Go to Submit Your Venue in the header and write the name, choose the category, add a picture, and select location.